Sharon Thomas

This blog was started in loving memory of Christ Kengeri Campus,Bangalore and now dedicated to all my students ...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



I Letters are skipped in regular order


1. J L N P R T ? 2. C F I L O R ? 3. B F J N R V ?

4. E J O T Y D ? 5. D J P V B H ? 6. B I P W D K ?

Answers with explanations

  1. V. Look at J, L, N, P, R and T on the numbered alphabet. It’s easy to see the pattern is to skip one letter.
  2. U. Look at C, F, I, L, O and R on the numbered alphabet. It’s easy to see the pattern is to skip two letters.
  3. Z.Skip 3 letters.
  4. I. Skip 4 letters.
  5. N. Skip 5 letters.
  6. R. Skip 6 letters.

II. Letters are skipped in increasing order

1. A C F J O ?

2. A D H M S ?

3. D F I M R ?

Answers with explanations

  1. U.Look at letters A, C,F,J and O on the numbered alphabet. You will see the pattern: A(skip 1) C(skip 2) F(skip 3) J (skip 4) O. Therefore the next skip should be five letters bringing you to the answer (U)
  2. Z. The skipping pattern is 2,3,4,5 and 6 letters.
  3. X. The skipping pattern is 1,2,3,4 and 5 letters.

III. Letters are skipped in decreasing order

  1. A,G,L,P,S ?
  2. B,I,O,T,X ?
  3. C,J,P,U,Y ?

Ans : 1. U .The skipping order is 5,4,3,2 . Therefore the next skip should be one letter bringing you to the answer U.

2. A. The skipping order is 6,5,4,3,2 and 1 letters . Remember, After Z , A again follows This is circular numbering of alphabet.

3. B. The skipping order is 6,5,4,3,2 and after Z A is again repeated as in question 2 above.

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