Sharon Thomas

This blog was started in loving memory of Christ Kengeri Campus,Bangalore and now dedicated to all my students ...

Monday, November 20, 2017

IT for Business & Management MARCH 2015

MARCH 2015

BBIIC02 - IT for Business & Management
  Time: 3 hrs                                                                                                    Max. Marks: 80

I. Choose the correct answer: (5x1=5 Marks)

1. In MS Access, which of the following is used to retrieve specific data from a database?
a. Tables b. Forms c. Queries d. Reports

2. The Panel at the top of the MS-Word document is called
a. Menu b. Program c. Ribbon d. Toolbar

3. Identify the IP address from the following
(a) 300 .215.317.3 (b) 302.215@417.5 (c) (d) 202-50-20-148

4.To start a spell check in PowerPoint the following Function key is used
 a. F1 b. F2 c. F5 d. F7

5. The syntax of the NPER function is NPER (rate,pmt, pv, [fv] , _______ ) a. values b. ipsmt c. irr d. type

Fill in the blanks (5x1=5 Marks)

6. DTP stands for _______
7. Ctrl + E button is used to align the text at the __________
8. A ____________ is an integrated collection of logically related records and files.
9. When we cut text , it is stored on the ___________
10. A practice used by human being to destroy computer systems is known as ____________

II. Answer any eight questions briefly. (8x2=16 Marks)

11. Define office automation.
12. What do you mean by Range in Excel?
13. What is a primary key in Microsoft Access?
14. What is GUI?
15. What is meant by Virtual Office?
16. Give any two advantages and disadvantages of a Dial-up Connection.
17. Give the syntax of DMIN function.
18. What do you mean by slide transition?
19. Write a note on Non-impact Printer?

III. Answer any six questions as short essays (6x4=24 Marks)
20. What is Drop cap? What is its use?
21. What are the Functions of a Data Base Administrator (DBA)?
22. Comment on the four Objects used in MS Access 2010.
23. What solution does Freezing Panes provide in MS Excel?
24. Explain “Goal Seek” feature in Excel.
25. How is DBMS found useful in a service industry?
26. What is a Spreadsheet? Mention its advantages.
27. What are the objectives of office automation?
28. Describe any four important applications of internet in business.

IV. Answer any two questions as essays. (2x15=30 Marks)
29. Compare Hierarchical network and Relational database model in DBMS.
30. Give a brief description on Web Browsers, Search engines and Web Portal.
31. Briefly explain the main classification of printers.

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